
公司项目采用Electron(https://electronjs.org/)开发pc应用,会涉及到与底层硬件设备的通信,而sdk封装基本上都是通过C++动态链接库dll实现的。以上两种方案都可以 ...,Thefirststandalone.NETdecompilerforMac,LinuxandWindows.Free.Foreveryone.Forever.,2023年10月25日—DecompileaDLLusingdotPeek.dotPeekisafree-of-charge.NETdecompilerandAssemblyBrowserfromJetBrains.Downloadandinstallthe ...,DecompilerExploreri...

c++ dll decompiler online

公司项目采用Electron( https://electronjs.org/ )开发pc应用,会涉及到与底层硬件设备的通信,而sdk封装基本上都是通过C++ 动态链接库dll实现的。 以上两种方案都可以 ...


The first standalone .NET decompiler for Mac, Linux and Windows. Free. For everyone. Forever.

Decompile An Assembly In C#

2023年10月25日 — Decompile a DLL using dotPeek. dotPeek is a free-of-charge .NET decompiler and Assembly Browser from JetBrains. Download and install the ...

Decompiler Explorer

Decompiler Explorer is an interactive online decompiler which shows equivalent C-like output of decompiled programs from many popular decompilers.

Dll Decompiler

Dll Decompiler provides professional DLL/EXE decompile services and tools. We have over five years of experience in software reverse engineering.

Free .NET Decompiler & Assembly Browser

dotPeek is a free-of-charge standalone tool based on ReSharper's bundled decompiler. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into equivalent C# or IL code.

how decompile dll to its source code

2011年8月4日 — I want to see what method and what logics is build up in DLL and make some change according to my need, so how decompile the DLL to its native ...

Java decompiler online APK decompiler

Navigate through and inspect decompiled code online without installing anything. C# decompiler. F#, Visual Basic, C# decompiler .exe and .dll .NET decompilation ...

What tool can decompile a DLL into C++ source code?

2009年8月24日 — This might be impossible or at least very hard. The DLL's contents don't depend (a lot) on it being written in C++; it's all machine code.